Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm Too Sexy for My Poncho

Whitewater Gorge: Cardinal Greenway Rail Trail was the site of this week's damp hike.  Morgan and I set out from home around 9:30 in the morning and headed straight to Walmart to purchase some ponchos.  We were both glad that we had them and they are now part of our standard hiking supplies.  Luckily, it was only misting the first part of the hike and then it stopped.  The rain on the drive to and from was much more ominous!  It was a chilly 37 degrees.  We hiked 5 and a half miles and it took us about one hour and fifty minutes.

As usual, most of the excitement took place trying to find the trail head.  I studied the map before we left including looking at a street view on Google Maps.  Morgan will not let me get by without sharing that I went through a stop sign where we had to turn to get to the trail head, BUT in my defense, there were no signs for the park AND the directions from the book did not indicate a turn at this point! Since the writing of the book, the trail has changed slightly and we had to stop and ask for directions at a gas station.  At least we were less than a mile from where we had to park the car.  We are getting better!!!

The strangest part of the hike was when we first stepped out of the car to get on our boots. I said to Morgan, "Do you smell dog food?" It felt like we were walking through a gigantic dog food bag!  It was unbelievable how strong the smell was.  As we walked, we were hoping that the smell would subsist as we slowly walked away from whatever factory in the area was generating this ghastly odor! Thankfully after about 5 minutes we couldn't smell it any more - ahhh, relief!!! (We later discovered that the trail head isn't just next to a pet food factory, but is actually sandwiched between two pet food factories!)

This is a paved hike and much of it meanders through parts of Richmond, Indiana. It is part of a rails-to-trails recreational pathway that covers over 60 miles (from Richmond, Indiana to Marion, Indiana). We only saw one cyclist as we hiked, most likely due to the poor weather, and a couple of other folks walking/jogging.  A paved trail was fine for this soggy day.  Morgan and I saw some cool scenic views of creeks, rivers, a waterfall (we didn't get close enough for a picture), and a lake. This part of the trail is definitely more "cityscape" and I left the hike yearning for the quiet peacefulness of a wooded trail.  I was craving it so much as we walked that when she and I finally saw Thistlethwaite Falls, we left the paved trail and started walking through the woods. Unfortunately, the trail took us straight to someone's private property and we decided getting to the falls wasn't worth getting in trouble for trespassing, so we turned around.

Morgan and I both agreed that the park at Springwood Lake which is right near the falls would be a fun place to come back and picnic in warmer weather.  It's a beautiful setting.  There were many antique stores in Richmond that we would also like to explore.  So, although it wasn't our number one favorite for hiking, we both said we would go back.

 9 hikes down and 51 to go!!!!

This week's hike will be to California Woods Nature Preserve.  It is very close to my home. The length is 3.37 miles and the trail is a series of loops.  Right now the weather forecast is looking chilly, so if you're coming along be prepared to bundle up!!!


  1. Too Sexy for your poncho! That is good. You may need some advice on rain gear.

    1. I'm hoping that since we have some control over when we are going and how far away that more serious rain gear won't be necessary. However, I am hoping in my future to maybe do a backpacking trip - then, I will need some advice!

  2. By mid-April you are going to have figured out how to always find the trail head without difficulty and half the fun of your hikes will disappear.

    I love reading about these adventures. I feel like I'm traveling with you.

    1. I think you might be right! Although when Cheryl and/or Lorrie come along, there always seems to be a little more adventure...hmmmm?

  3. Enjoyed reading the blog. I have been wondering how the two of you "weathered" the rain. I can't say I am too unhappy about missing that hike. Looking forward to California Nature Preserve this weekend.

  4. Great! Call me and we'll figure out a good time for all. I will check with Cheryl and see if she's in.
